SPAC-ADN Briefing Paper 2: Democracy in Bangladesh-Sustainable growth, development and democracy

Bangladesh’s economy has faced significant challenges since 2020, including a sharp decline in foreign exchange reserves, import restrictions, high inflation, and dependency on remittances. The country’s economy is heavily reliant on the ready-made garments sector, and there is a lack of diversification in exports and foreign direct investments.

Economic inequality is increasing, with concerns about the fairness of income distribution. Experts attribute these issues to fiscal mismanagement, poor governance, and lack of accountability.

In this context, the second episode of the bimonthly webinar series on Bangladesh by Asia Democracy Network (ADN) and Sydney Policy and Analysis Centre (SPAC) was held on June 4, 2024. The participants discussed the economic challenges of Bangladesh, the possible policies and actions for the upgradation of the economy, how the economic growth can be more sustainable and equitable and the need for accountability and democracy to ensure that.

This briefing paper provides a summary of the discussion.